

Reanda Bernardi Group has an integrated business ecosystem called IPHub, which aims to produce scalable companies in Indonesia. In fulfilling its mission, IPHub creates an environment and community that connects local and foreign entrepreneurs and investors. To that end, IPHub provides a complete range of facilities, from virtual/shared offices, meeting rooms, seminar and event venues, audio/video conferences, and food & beverage to comprehensive services to support your business and wealth creation.

Our Services

Located in Central Jakarta, our digital brand IPHub offers more than just virtual office services. We have a business ecosystem with a mission to develop local businesses that equip them with diverse knowledge, good networks, and access to local and global investors.

How Reanda Bernardi can help your company?

  • Virtual office
  • Physical office
  • Shared office
  • Meeting room facilities
  • Event space

Our team of legal and business advisors can provide corporate establishment services either for domestic-owned companies (Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri/PMDN) or foreign-owned companies (Penanaman Modal Asing/PMA). Additionally, we can assist you in forming any types of legal entities, such as, limited liability company (Perseroan Terbatas/PT), individual limited liability company (PT perorangan), limited liability partnership (persekutuan perdata), or non-profit organization (NGO/yayasan).

How Reanda Bernardi can help your company?

  • Domestic Company Establishment (PMDN): Establishment of a company in Indonesia whose capital is 100% owned by an Indonesian individual or legal entity.
  • Foreign Company Establishment (PMA): Establishment of a company in Indonesia whose capital is partly or wholly owned by a foreign individual or corporation.
  • Business and product licenses: In addition to necessary legal documents such as the deed of incorporation and approval letters from the Minister of Law and Human Rights, the industry you wish to enter may require a special business license. We can help you get a business license for specific sectors, such as a construction service business license (IUJK), telecommunications and information licenses, health or medical industry permits from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), transportation and logistics permits, and Halal certificates for food & beverages, as well as import and export permits.
  • Tax license: we help you to get your corporate tax ID and VAT entrepreneur ID.
  • Global trademark registration: we can also help you protect your intellectual property through trademark registration.
  • Overseas bank account setup: we partner with reputable overseas, state-owned and local banks to help you start your business in Indonesia.

Trust us to take care of your legality, so you only need to focus on your core business.


After obtaining basic business licenses such as establishment deed, approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights, and Business Identification Number (Nomor Induk Berusaha/NIB), you might need specific licenses for your particular business sectors or products.  Our team will help you obtain business and product licenses according to your business sectors.

How Reanda Bernardi can help your company?

We provide services the following services:

  • Special business licenses: special business licenses are needed for specific types of businesses such as construction services, mining industry, banking industry, etc.
  • Product licenses: special licenses for products that will be sold in Indonesia such as food, medicines, and cosmetics issued by National Agency of Drug and Food Control (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan/BPOM) dan Indonesian Ulema Council (Majelis Ulama Indonesia/MUI).

Trust us to handle the legality of your business, so you only need to focus on your core business.

Our consultants can assist you in obtaining visas and work permits for you, as investors, as well as your workers in Indonesia.

How Reanda Bernardi can help your company?

We provide services to help you apply for the following types of legal permits in Indonesia:

  • Foreign Worker Hiring Plan (Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing/RPTKA).
  • Investor visa.
  • Foreign worker and dependent visas.
  • Temporary Work Permit (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas/KITAS).
  • Permanent Work Permit (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap/KITAP).

Discuss with our consultant to get more information about labor regulations in Indonesia.

Our corporate secretarial team will help you adhere to local regulations. Our corporate secretarial services support management’s administrative tasks, from meeting compliance requirements – including regulatory filing requirements – to a liaison function. We only work with trusted notaries to get your paperwork ready. You can trust any of your administrative needs with us as we provide customized services.

How Reanda Bernardi can help your company?

Our corporate secretarial services include:

  • Routine corporate secretary compliance, including maintenance of statutory records, Annual General Shareholders Meetings (AGSM/RUPS), general company law compliance, appointment and resignations of directors & commissioners.
  • Liaison officers such as make correspondence with local authorities.
  • Regulatory filing requirements such as investment reporting (Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal/LKPM) to the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board.
  • Maintaining statutory registers and records.
  • Maintaining statutory registers and records.
  •   income tax return.

Running a start-up firm takes so much energy. However, you cannot let your spending untracked, your tax unpaid and unreported, and your employee's unpaid. As part of our services to local entrepreneurs, we provide a bundled service package for accounting, tax, and payroll. Talk to us on how we can free up your time in handling your administrative work while you focus on growing your business.

Our Services:

  • Tax
  • Accounting
  • Payroll

We understand that in developing a business, startup founders must be able to create a solid business plan and make sound financial forecasts. Our team will help you put these things together when you are looking for fundraising or business expansion.

How Reanda Bernardi can help your company?

Supported by a team of experts from finance, accounting, and business backgrounds, we provide the following services:

  • Preparation and review of business plans.
  • Preparation and review of financial forecasts.
  • Private classes on business plans and financial projections.


Contact Us

Michelle Bernardi
CEO of Reanda Indonesia


Contact Us

Mark Bernardi
CTO of Reanda Indonesia