Ilham Susilo
Tax Litigation Partner
Ilham posseses more than 15 years of tax consulting experience in an internationally affiliated tax consulting firm in Indonesia. He managed a portfolio of clients in a wide range of industtries, from manufacturing and natural resources to banking and insurance.
Ilham has a passion in doing tax research and analyis. With this virtue, he has successfully won major tax litigation cases in a tax court level. Ilham also has a mission to educate his global clienteles in order to improve tax compliance and corporate governance in their operations in Indonesia. Working hand in hand with our China Desk team, Ilham has been a key contributor in improving tax compliance and efficiencies in Chinese investments in Indonesia.
- Diploma Tax Administration – University of Indonesia
- BA Accounting – Perbanas University
- Indonesian Certified Tax Consultant – Brevet C
- Corporate tax compliance and planning
- Personal tax compliance
- Tax due diligence
- Tax query (“SP2DK”) and tax litigations
- Corporate tax training
- Oil and gas
- Mining
- Manufacturing
- Insurance
- Multifinance
- Trading
- Services
- Construction
• Indonesian Institute of Tax Consultants